16 February, 2007


Hello, lots of things have happened since we last updated. I've just got back today from a 3 day asylum hearing binge in Newport and I thought i'd update the blog.

We've both had a busy time of things recently. Both with work and also with making our first attempts to make 2007 the year when the house gets sorted. So we have been diy-ing and gardening. Alex is in charge of the diy with lots of help from her mum and I've been working on the garden with alex's dad. We're finally getting around to putting the library of 250 books worth of law reports that alex got for free last year onto shelves.
The daffodil above is very exciting as it is the first in our garden from the bulbs which were planted last autumn. I love daffodils. They remind me of playing football on the church lawn in Ashford as a child.

This is a picture of the new bit of garden that we have reclaimed. Before it was a slag heap of rubble, old bricks, paving slabs, dandelions and other weeds. Now we have dug it over, put in wooden sleepers and we're going to plant grasses and bamboos and shrubs, and hopefully some nice smelling things so it smells nice as you come to our back door.

I love garden reclamation. When we were in sheffield, and when we were the other side of Plymouth, we have always had a garden that has needed to be reclaimed from neglect and rubble. Every time we get a new place, we get a bit bigger space to reclaim and play with.

Hopefully, this summer is going to be great in our garden, especially when we get our new prayer shed. That is coming when we sell off a grandfather clock that we inherited from Alex's grandparents. It's going to be our little chapel in the back garden.

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