04 December, 2006

Top tv moments of the year

Ok, would like to share some things with you about our year over the next month. So for a start, here are our top tv moments of the year.

At number 1, This is the Jay Leno spot that we were talking about in the previous post. Pound for pound, this is the funniest thing on TV we have seen in 2006.

At number 2, this is the Ian McKellen speech on Extras. This has already sunk it's way into our vocabulary.

At number 3, we loved Dr. Who, but the best moment of the series was this bitch fest between the daleks and the cybermen.

At number 4, the whole 7th series of the west wing was awesome. The west wing is one of the few tv programmes that we put life on hold for. And this is a lovely moment, representative of how good a show it was.

And finally at 5, we loved My name is earl because it was silly and funny and so good natured.

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